Portable Valve Grinding Machines
The range of portable industrial valve grinders offered by Kemet are a patented design concept that are a proven solution for on-site valve reconditioning.
Repairing leaking valves in industrial pipelines is a laborious operation involving extended downtime, production losses and substantial unwanted costs. Losses are minimized if valves can be reground in situ, precluding the need to dismantle and remove defective valves from the pipeline. Available in overlapping sizes, these grinders combine unsurpassed versatility with exceptional ease of handling and operation. A combination guaranteed to give these grinders cutting edge performance, whatever the valve location.
These valve grinding machines have unique, lightweight universal clamping system which allows rapid and accurate mounting for grinding valve seats or wedges. Operating checks and replacement of abrasive discs can be carried out without disturbing the assembly. No realignment is necessary when repositioning the grinding head.
Model FL - For gate, globe, check, safety, control valves and gate valve wedges
Valve size from: 65-300mm (2.5”-12”)
Model K-AB - For safety and control valves with flat and conical seats
Valve size from: 12-150mm (1/2”-6”)
Model S-C - For gate, check valves and gate valve wedges
Valve size from: 25-100mm (1”-4”)
Model G - For gate, globe, check, safety, control valves, and gate valve wedges
Valves with Flat Seats ø 150 – 1300 mm (6” – 52”)
Model DF - For globe, control & safety valves with flat or angled seats
Valves with Flat Seats & Angle Seats ø65-300mm (2 1/2”-12”)
Consumables for valve grinding